David Campaigne
Senior Partner, Blue Trust
Nottingham, Maryland | PathNorth member since 2014
David Campaigne is a Senior Partner and Senior Private Wealth Advisor with Blue Trust, serving clients around the country out of the branch office in Hunt Valley, Maryland. As a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and experienced wealth advisor to individuals, families, and businesses, David and his team integrate financial planning, investment management, and trust services into financial plans tailored to his clients’ needs. David has a passion for helping people answer the “how much is enough” question and determining what their “finish line” is for wealth accumulation so they can be even more generous during their lifetime in giving to the charities and causes they care about most. David graduated from Towson University with a degree in Political Science and Economics and has also obtained the Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) and Certified Kingdom Advisor (CKA) designations.
In 2021, David co-founded an organization called Life, Leadership and Legacy, which shares a similar ‘heartbeat’ to PathNorth in broadening the definition of success for senior level company executives and CEO’s based in the Baltimore area and encourages them to live a more fully integrated life of meaning and purpose. Active in his local church and community, David has also served on the board of the Maryland Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and currently serves on the board of the Finish Line Pledge, whose mission is to awaken ordinary givers to lives of deeper joy, freedom, and adventure in all aspects of their generosity, with particular emphasis on the power of a personal financial finish line.
Kristin Campaigne
Kristin Campaigne is a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) and works for Baltimore County Public Schools in Maryland. She graduated from Towson University with a degree in Speech and Audiology and obtained her master’s degree in Speech Language Pathology at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC, where the graduate school is made up of both deaf and fully hearing students.
David and Kristin have two children and live in Nottingham, Maryland.