These are the questions, articles, books and videos that have shaped our journey and given us a reason to pause and reflect on the meaning of success. 


We begin with a set of questions, each worthy of reflection. Take the time to write down your own answers and ponder them.

  1. Have you fully embraced your own story? (The good, the bad and the ugly)

  2. Who is your audience? (Who do you live to please?)

  3. What value do you place on authentic relationships?

  4. What is the place of gratitude in your life?

  5. How comfortable are you with risk?

  6. How do you define success and what is the place of failure, suffering and setback, in your definition?

  7. Are you a ‘giver’? (How does it manifest itself?)

  8. Do you live a fully integrated life?

  9. What is the importance of forgiveness in your life?

  10. What will be your legacy? (How much is enough?)


PathNorth was founded with the belief that leaders are more isolated than ever. This article, Loneliness: An Under-Diagnosed Epidemic Among New CEOs, from Inc. Magazine articulates the detrimental effects of this loneliness. 

Often we hope to remove isolation by pursuit of often noble goals and success. Tolstoy's famous essay, How Much Land Does a Man Need?, tells the proverb of a man who found worldly success but lost everything in the journey.

Finally, knowing that success alone isn't enough, we turn to an article, Mastering the Art of Living Meaningfully Well, by Umair Haque, a successful author and influential thinker. In it he shares specific ways to ensure happiness and a truly satisfying definition of success. 


As you've now reflected on life and what's most valuable to you, we encourage you to continue the journey with these books: A Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, A More Beautiful Question by Warren Berger, and A Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes.

Some of our members are well-known authors, like Steve Case (Third Wave) and Tim Shriver (Fully Alive), and we support and admire their work.


We've long been inspired by David Brooks' TED talk on living for your eulogy, not your résumé.

Few of us will take the same journey as Slomo, yet his story rings with inspiration. 

In this charming video, people give advice to those just a few years young, from four to 91.