The Vanishing Center of American Democracy

PathNorth founding member and Chairman of CNL, Jim Seneff, is graciously hosting a dinner with a purpose on Friday evening, March 24 in Charleston, South Carolina. This will be the culmination of two rich days together at our PathNorth Annual Gathering. 

The dinner will be quite unique and will seek to create conversation about the growing divides in our country. This will not be a political conversation even though the divides in America certainly have political ramifications. Rather, Jim commissioned a study with several scholars who take a hard look at the disappearing center in America. They will present their findings and then we will discuss the implications together. It should be a stimulating evening, no doubt. Join us!

Below is a note from Jim, which captures his thinking.  

Dear PathNorth Members & Friends,

You would probably agree with me that this presidential election cycle has been more unusual than any in recent memory. Sadly, civility seems to have been lost in the race to become the political leader of the free world. While most of us are disheartened by our country’s current political state the question is, where do we go from here and how do we think about the path forward? 

For a number of years, I have served as Chairman of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, which is a think tank at the University of Virginia. My foundation commissioned them to conduct a national survey of public opinion, in partnership with the Gallup Organization. We published the results in a study entitled, 'The Vanishing Center of American Democracy.' As the report shows, the story of this election is more one of continuity than change, and what seems new is actually a consequence of trends long in the making. 

Undoubtedly we will be talking about this election long after it's over. However, let us challenge each other to go beyond discussing merely the events of this election and instead begin to discuss the ideas and thinking that got us here. From there, as citizens and leaders, we can determine how to best serve the country we love.

I hope you can join Doug and I for this important conversation.  

James M. Seneff, Jr.