Join us for a very special Community Call on January 26th at 1:00 PM ET with an incredible panel and a special musical performance you won't want to miss. These are very hard days for us all. Our journey in PathNorth is a quest to access meaning despite such trying times. As one European philosopher put it, ‘man can endure any how as long as there is a why.’ Finding the why for our journeys is no doubt the key to discovering a different way of seeing despite what appears hopeless.
We decided we all needed a PathNorth Community Call focused on HOPE. This will not be a pollyanish conversation, but rather one which looks at setback and pain hoping to unlock clues to how heartache forges us into better versions of ourselves.
Three remarkable individuals, each having faced the unimaginable, will be our guides for this session. The three are: Peter Georgescu, Chairman emeritus, Young & Rubicam, Lisa Burkhardt, former banker, Chair of YPO gold in Arizona and advocate for women and children through Unicef, and Dr. Skip Ryan, former pastor of one of the largest faith congregations in America until a day of reckoning found him.
Drawn from their incredible stories, each will give us a candid glimpse into their road from despair to hope and thriving.
If you have any questions, please contact Becky Richardson at